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About Sam

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Welcome to My Adenomyosis Journey


As a restored christian woman, I managed to change my life around after 30 years.  I went from being chronically ill, depressed, socially anxious and in chronic pain with Adenomyosis & Endometriosis.


To living a life that I never thought I could.  No longer having to take heavily prescribed medication, feeling disorientated, sleeping my life away and becoming more depressed.


I was angry I had to deal with painful periods every month and sometimes in-between, withdrawing from friends and family, not attending social events or having any kind of life. I was resentful of those who had children and easy periods month after month and I felt unworthy and judged, I had no children and wasn't able to maintain my job position due to my level of absence.   


It had taken over my life and for so many years I was afraid to speak my truth and remove the mask that had kept me hiding away in fear of the same judgement and embarrassment.

I had suffered for years (since primary school) with no explanation as to what was wrong with me and later why I was having these excruciatingly painful periods.  I was always taking time out of school, higher education and employment, all because I was unable to move from the pain caused by Adenomyosis or because I was deeply depressed from it and trauma.


After years of being prodded and poked, taking heavy medications, having numerous consultations and several surgeries, I was finally backed into a corner one week before my 40th birthday. 


I was in the early stages of my second pregnancy which had complications (previously had a miscarriage) this time it was Ectopic,  which resulted in the loss of the pregnancy and my left tube.


I was devastated and the news that followed wasn't great either.


I was now classed as high risk, my cycles had now become worse than before (if that was even possible) and I was being told my only option going forward would be to have a hysterectomy (which may not resolve all my pain issues), or continue as I have been and live with the pain and continue with the medication.   


From that point, I knew I had to do something drastic for myself in order for me to recover and change my life around.  I was tired of just existing and wanted to LIVE with purpose. 


I began my 2 year journey restoring my relationship with God and researching for natural remedies that would help to relieve my pain, cut down the heavy bleeding, get my mental health in order and give me purpose again.  At this point I had nothing to lose... except my Uterus, which I wanted to hold onto.


Going vegan seemed to be the best place to start. 


I drastically cut out all meat and fish products but struggled for a while with dairy, this gave me good results but I was still having to take all of my medication to get through my cycle. Once I had made the decision to cut out dairy things turned up notch and I started to notice I would be able to get through a period with less and less medication.


So, I went a step further and went on a RAW Vegan diet and within two weeks I could feel and see a huge difference, in not only how I was feeling but also in my skin, hair, memory and energy, everything was improving.


Now my health continues to thrive with no heavy prescription drugs (just paracetamol/Advil), I can move on day 1,2 and 3 of my period and no longer need to consider having a hysterectomy.




My mission now, is to help you, change the way you live with Adenomyosis & Endometriosis and avoid having a hysterectomy.  I will show you the strategy and tools I used to have better periods and live with purpose.


I look forward to serving you on your journey of healing.


Lots of Love


Coach Sam x

Explore With Me

Mental Preparation

Being mentally prepared for the changes played a big part in achieving my end results.  I knew that my mindset had to be focused on what I was trying to achieve, which was a life not centered around my cycle, pain, depression and anxiety .


I broke my process down into manageable areas (subconsciously) showing myself grace, starting with the easiest thing to eliminate from my diet and worked my way through to what I thought would be the hardest.​


Taking it in stages as opposed to trying to do everything all at the same time made the transitions flow naturally. 

Challenging Myself

Food Challenge 


If you had asked me last year if I could change my lifestyle the answer would probably have been "most definitely not lol" But once I had started my journey to good health and seeing results  I just wanted to see how far I could go.   By the time I reviewed my progress I gained so much clarity and focus over my life, I had never experienced.


Not only do I now have pain free periods, but I'm also able to carry out daily activities on days 1, 2, 4 and 5, I have gone from 9-10 day cycles down to a 5 day cycle and no longer bleed in between.   My mind was so clear, no longer foggy, I had so much mental clarity and more energy than I've had (including in the last 20 years), my skin was so clear, soft and fresh looking.  I looked and felt not only healthy but different in some way, even other's noticed the difference in me.

You Got This!

Taking the steps to overcoming major obstacles associated with Adenomyosis is a huge achievement and having the right support on your journey will make the world of difference . 


Making lifestyle changes, changing everything you know and feel about food and naturally managing your Dis-Ease is no easy task.  


So well done for even being in that head space and let me assure you there is light at the end of the tunnel, just have Faith, believe in yourself and give yourself grace. x


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My Adenomyosis Journey

Sam Johnson

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